Online Anger Management Class

Online Anger Management Class

Our user-friendly Anger Management Class was designed from the best-selling "Anger Bustingtm Workbook" by author James A. Baker, founder of the Anger Management Training Institute. Our current anger management class offerings are:

One Price $65.00

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Anger Management Class

 Immediate Court Ordered Seminar Certificate

Registration Fee Includes:

*Nationally recognized by State & Local Family Courts & Probation Departments

*No Other Fees or Charges - NONE!

*Free Nationally Recognized Certificate of Completion

*Course written, edited and produced by an experienced Lawyer with extensive Family Court experience & knowledge.

Our powerful online anger management courses cover everything most live classroom anger management courses and anger management seminars cover, plus they add a lot more!

You receive:

  1. Open access to the self-scoring Online Anger Management Classes of your choice.
  2. Immediate access to your certified court ordered anger management class certificate upon completion.

Open access Anger Management Class from the comfort of your own home! Court approved anger management class certification!

All of our Online Anger Management Classes include instant access to your court approved certificate upon completion!

anger mangement certificateAfter each anger management class lesson there is a very brief quiz. To pass and move on to the next anger management class lesson, you must get a score of at least 80%. You may try as many times as you like. At the end of the course, there is a test. Once you pass, you will instantly receive a certificate of completion you can print right at your computer and present to the court! Click on the image to the left to enlarge:Free copy of our best-selling anger management book, "The Anger Bustingtm Workbook"!

Free copy of our best-selling anger management book, "The Anger Bustingtm Workbook"!

The substance of this anger management class is based on the award winning Anger Busting Workbook. James A. (Jim) Baker's award winning anger management training book delivers life-changing help for those struggling with out of control anger. This bestselling book was named a Foreword Magazine finalist for Book of the Year!

Anger Busting WorkbookThe Anger Busting Workbook
James A. Baker's life-changing anger management training book available for purchase here.

Online Anger Management Class

Help to Counter Your Anger Management Techniques

Anger is a dangerous emotion that, if left uncontrolled, can wreak havoc in people's lives. "People" is a collective term, a plural word meaning more than one person. You knew that, but it bears repeating to emphasize that anger affects the person who is blowing his/her stack and the person(s) having to take the brunt of it. And as long as we are looking at word meanings, let's consider some of the terms---all negative---often used to describe a "fly off the handle" angry person: jerk, nutcase, brute, dork, bully and tyrant.

No people would ever say to themselves "I think it would be so cool if people avoided me because I'm such a bombastic jerk." But one of the characteristics of uncontrolled anger is that it can blind the person who is acting out so they don't--- or can't--- see themselves as others do. In fact, not unless and until the person screaming at the top of his lungs finally begins to wake up to the fact that he or she needs more self-control that there is a reasonable chance for making lasting, positive changes. After a person decides to get help, the next step is to consider where to go to get it. More and more people these days are choosing an online anger management class to learn ways to manage their anger.

Why an anger management class, and why online? First, anger management classes and anger management courses are mushrooming because of the increasing stress in our society. More and more people need help managing their stress and their anger. Another reason large numbers of people are enrolling in an online anger management class is there are more online types of classes available. The number of online anger management classes being designed, developed and put online continues to grow.

Being online means that the courses offer more options and flexibility to participants than traditional classes in which people are required to sit in rows and listen passively to a teacher lecture. Online anger management classes are interactive, inclusive, and designed by experts specifically for online delivery. They do not require a massive technological set-up, and can be taken anywhere there is a computer that can access the Internet, Whether late at night, early in the morning, or any time in between an online anger management class is available.

These online anger classes are designed for parents, teenagers, and sometimes as part of professional development activities at work. Some online anger management classes offer a certificate upon completion. Sometimes, judges require people facing charges to attend anger management classes, and to show proof of their attendance. In these cases, judges typically accept the certificate as proof the defendant followed the court's orders. Whether an anger management class is voluntary or required, the participant gets the same course content and the same level of support and encouragement from the course instructors and facilitators. The goal is the same: to empower the participants to manage their anger so they can start down the road of self-control and reconciliation.

If you have decided that an anger management class would be helpful for you, consider taking on online anger management class, and the sooner the better

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