Anger - How Do You Stop Getting Upset?
You start taking charge of your anger management classes, that's how you stop getting upset. For instance, you find that your day isn't going so well because you are thinking about something that upset you.
Let's say your boss/spouse/parent yelled at you this morning in front of everyone. That was a blow to the ego, wasn't it? But do you need to let it upset you any further?
How do you avoid it? Watch this scenario:
The minute you realize you are getting upset, turn your eyes to the right!
Yes! The minute you feel yourself getting upset again, turn your eyes to the right.
To your right, there's a screen with the upsetting anger management classes you experienced, only it's in your mind. You are replaying the scene where your boss/spouse/parent is yelling at you.
Oh, no. You don't have to go through that again, do you? Yes -- but in a new way. Not the same way you usually do. The way that upsets you again. And again. And again. This time you're just going to watch the exact anger management classes -- then, you're going to change it. There's the movie screen showing your boss/spouse/parent yelling at you. You are cowering -- on the inside if nowhere else.
Play it through to the anger management classes. Look at how it affected you. Not a pretty sight, right? Afterwards, you probably did things you now regret, like getting mad at someone else for something minor, but you couldn't help yourself and blew up. Or you badmouthed your boss/spouse/parent. Or whatever happened gave you an excuse to do whatever you do when you get upset.
And what is that? Overeat, smoke, chew, use company time playing a computer game, go shopping and overspend? You get the anger management classes. Whatever it is that you do in retaliation, watch all that, too.
When that movie is over, roll it again -- only this time, roll it in reverse with everyone walking backwards, talking backwards. Make funny noises as sound effects and see how that affects you.
Now, play anger management classes forward in slow motion. Watch as everyone, including you, talks slowly, their tongues rolling out of their mouths, their ears flopping as they move.
Now, start to play it backward again -- but watch as the movie reel unwinds and blows off in the wind. Check your anger management classes now to the episode that had upset you. It's not as upsetting anymore, is it? Great! That's taking control of your emotions!
Now, run a new movie. This one shows you in control of the situation. You realize that your boss/spouse/parent was just being your boss/spouse/parent. You understand that, and it doesn't upset you in this scenario. You realize that things like this will keep happening to you until YOU decide not to let it upset you. That it's not worth getting upset about. Decide to do something about it if you can, but to let it pass if you can't. And that's exactly what you see happening in this new anger management classes. Feel how good it feels to be in control. How do you look when you are in control? How do you feel? What do you say to yourself? What do others say to you?
Watch this movie clear to the end, then stand as though you are in control, think those thoughts that say you are in control, look like you feel in control. Doesn't that feel much better than before?
When you decide what is going to upset you and what isn't, you've taken control of your life. Always feel the love in your anger management classes when you make your decision and make sure that what you've decided to do is "Peace To All".
Have you done all that? Great! Your life will operate on more of an even keel from now on.
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