Anger Management Quiz - 3 Questions You Should Ask If You Think You Have an Anger Problem
We all encounter anger from time to time. So how do we know when our anger is either out of control or headed in that direction? We ask ourselves some simple questions. The following anger management quiz is by no means concrete proof that you may or may not have anger problems, but it should at least give you a general sense of any potential issues.
1. Do I get angry often?
Is your answer yes? If you're finding yourself getting angry on a frequent basis, especially over the smallest things, there's a good chance you could have some anger related issues that need to be resolved.
Standing in a long line at the grocery store is time consuming, but it's not the end of the world. Although it might not seem like it at the time, spilling soda on your new blouse, or a waitress bringing you the wrong order, are considered small things.
Yes, these things can be annoying, but they're not worthy of the amount of energy, or attention, that you give them.
If you frequently get angry over little things, then it might be wise to investigate what's going on beneath the surface. Anger is sometimes an indication of other issues, and if they go unresolved, they can begin affecting your health.
2. Am I having problems with my health?
If you answered no, and you're angry all the time, then that could change. People who stay angry for long periods of time can be putting themselves at risk for many health problems.
Besides headaches, heart disease, and diabetes, studies have shown that those with chronic anger can be at a higher risk to recover slower for wounds and incur breathing problems. That kind of information makes it all the more important to find out if you are carrying around any unhealthy anger issues.
If that wasn't enough... guess what? Unresolved anger not only can potentially cause harm to your body, but it can take its toll on your relationships, too.
3. Is anger affecting my relationships?
Ok, answer the following questions honestly. Do people often tell you that you have anger issues? Are friends, family, and/or coworkers afraid to approach you about anything? Do they tip-toe around you, all the time, afraid that you'll get mad and go into a tirade?
If your answer is yes, then it doesn't matter whether it's at work or at home... if anger is affecting how you relate to others (or how others relate to you), then there may be a problem.
*** Bonus Questions ***
Is there something I can do right now, if I'm angry?
Yes, just 'breathe'. It's simple, but effective.
Slowly, take in a deep breath through your nose. Hold it for 5 seconds. Then, just as slowly, breathe out through your mouth. Repeat this process at least 10 times, or until you feel calmer.
What can I do if I think I have an anger problem?
It depends on how severe the anger issues are, but typical anger management options are to: speak with a qualified anger management professional, join an anger management class in your area, or read some good anger management books and apply the anger management classes that they provide.
Ok, I've taken this little anger management quiz - what's next?
The key to managing anger, is being aware of it as it happens. Once you've mastered that, you can then start reacting to anger in healthy anger management classes, by applying useful anger management techniques.
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