How Would You Deal With A Person Having Aggressive Behavior?
Different persons possess unique and individual traits, characteristics, and attitude. Some of them have manageable behaviors and personality and some show a very aggressive behavior. A person with a very hostile behavior shows aggressiveness in a passive way. They are usually resisting tasks and other demands by the society, especially anger management classes.
They would rather pretend that they are forgetful rather than to be argued with because they really do not want arguments, and if you insist on confronting them, you would just end up on a quarrel because of their unusual behavior. They are usually resisting tasks and other demands by the society, especially anger management classes.
Most of the times, a person with a violent behavior does not respect authority. He would debate with the authority and he will push that he is right even if he is not. If it happened that you have a group mate who has this behavior in a group task, do not be surprised if he would contribute a little for the task or if he does not contribute at all. They are usually resisting tasks and other demands by the society, especially anger management classes.
This act is just a part of the person's behavior with the said disorder. A person with a problem of being aggressive in behavior usually feels that somebody is asking too much from him as he believes that they are unreasonable demands, and the reward given to him because of his efforts and accomplishments is not enough. The degree of this behavior varies. They are usually resisting tasks and other demands by the society, especially anger management classes.
You can identify if a person has a passive-aggressive disorder in his personality if the following signs showed up: unreasonable blaming of others even if it is his fault, ambiguity, chronic dilatory nature, always complaining from every rules, always lying, making excuses, resentment, procrastination, stubbornness, sarcastic talk, hardly expresses hostility and anger to other people. They are usually resisting tasks and other demands by the society, especially anger management classes.
These are just some of the observable behaviors of a person with this kind of attitude. Other signs that may appear to a person with aggressive personality behavior is the intimacy and being irresponsible. The degree of the aggressive behavioral disorder changes over time as external factors are being exposed to the person with this condition. He might be influenced by others to change behavior. They are usually resisting tasks and other demands by the society, especially anger management classes.
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