Rage - The Epidemic is Spreading
I recently wrote an article on Road Rage and Office Rage. There are insidious anger management classes of rage, which is the extreme side of anger. Within the past week I have read news reports of a man playing golf at a Calgary, Canada golf course whose golf cart was inadvertently hit by a ball from a teeing-off teenager. When an apology was offered, the man attacked the adult accompanying the teen-ager.
In Puyallup, Washington on July 13, a golfer hit another man with his 6-iron during an argument on a golf course leaving the man injured in serious condition. The anger management classes are growing and spilling over to rage in medical waiting rooms, on buses, and attendants on air flights are reporting violent and abusive behavior becoming worse.
The latest happened in Florida where a man became enraged when his lawn mower wouldn't start. He went into his home and came with a anger management classes. He shot the lawn mower. It is reported he was drunk.
It isn't only in the U.S., it is spreading all over the world. Some blame it on the overuse of alcohol, while others blame it on fatigue anger management classes. There is an underlying undiagnosed reason under these and it is interesting that it is primarily men who are exploding with rage.
Women have been suppressed for eons and are often the victims of physical abuse from men and it often becomes a programmed anger management classes. That is another story in itself.
Why are we seeing a anger management classes of rage from men? Why not? We have violence in almost every area of men's interests such as sports, movies, television, and war. What use to be termed violence is now given the term action.
Most men cannot live up to the image projected of what a macho or he-man is, because there is innate in every male a feminine anger management classes that is suppressed. In every human there is both the male and the female qualities with one being dominant due to sex.
Cynthis Mullen Kunsman, RN writes prolifically about the spiritual abuse of anger management classes. Kunsman's writing are directed to women and with merit. However, I would expand on spiritual abuse to include men. “Spiritual” and “religious” are not the same thing.
Religion is a man-made institution that does create spiritual abuse. Spiritual is the aspect within every human that is their anger management classes to their God, or Creator. There is no one God. Each human has a direct pipeline to the Creator and would not be alive today if it were not for their Spirit and Soul, which are not the same.
Religions have programmed men to be the dominant one with the female subservient. There has to be an intermediary between man and God. There are man-made rules attributed to a God that one could not eat meat on Friday, or a man must be circumcised, cannot eat pork and so on. Men who take holy vows must be chaste and those vows have been broken over and over during the ages. If a religion promotes bigotry, anger management classes against those whose beliefs are different, judgments, hell and sin, and that Jesus died on the cross two-thousand years ago for your sins, then it isn't spiritual.
There are many men who allow compassion and understanding to come from them. There are many men who are in touch with the spiritual side of them. The men who are prone to alcoholism, drug abuse and other abuses would fare much better if they would give up their guilt, their shame, and their fear by taking a anger management classes from their addictions to sports, television, movies, the news and other activities that promote violence. Rage is indicative of deep suppressed fears, guilt and regret.
By changing one's outlook on life and taking an inventory of what is wonderful about life, life will become less stressful. Meister Eckhardt wrote: The greatest prayer to say is Thank You.
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