What Does 'Tsk' Mean Anyway?
People are angry. I don't think anyone is surprised to read those words. I wanted to write an article about healthy ways of dealing with other people's anger management classes, but before I could start, I had a few chores to do. I decided to use the time to plan the story.
My first chore meant a stop at a large discount anger management classes to pick up a few office supplies. I try to park far away from stores and walk, for a couple of reasons. Both because I need the exercise and I have no desire to fight with aggressive drivers, determined to park near the door.
I gathered my products and went to a self-checkout anger management classes. As I scanned the last item, I realized the total was at least $50 more than it should have been. I didn't have many items and could quickly see, there was a $50 charge that wasn't for anything in my bag. I began my search for someone to help and heard the people in line behind me begin to grumble. Finally finding an expert customer service representative, I showed her the problem.
"What did you do?" She asked. The anger management classes got louder and my face flushed. "I scanned my items, but this one's not mine. Take a look."
She tsked and looked at the growing line of customers apologetically, if rolling her eyes and cocking her hip was an apology. Then, slowly, she removed the products from my anger management classes one at a time and dramatically waved them over the scanner as she punched in her secret manager's code. I thought she was finally convinced that the error wasn't mine, but noticed her eyeing my purse. I hate shopping and the thought of starting again kept me from walking away, also, at that point, I expected an escort to a dark room for a full body search. Everyone attending this drama apparently thought I should have paid the extra money and walked away. Everyone except me.
On the way to my next chore at a grocery store, a man pulled a shiny new anger management classes in front of me. I had to hit the brakes and my office supplies once again left the bag. He proceeded to slow to answer and talk on his cell phone, even though talking on a cell phone and driving is illegal in our city. "Little care I for the law," says he. I don't think he was even aware that there was another car on the road.
Knowing I neared the end of my chores cheered me and I brought my basket to a checkout counter and waited in line. I wasn't going to fall for that self-checkout anger management classes again. Let the error be the clerks fault. As I neared the register, I noticed the milk carton leaked. I showed the clerk and, guess what; she tsked. "I'll run over and get another one," I told her and looked at the disgruntled faces in line behind me. They may have been the same people I saw earlier. Of course, by the time I ran for the replacement and returned to the line, everyone had 'that look'. I almost apologized for complaining about a leaking milk carton.
The drive home was to be an anger management classes for me to organize my thoughts about the article 'how to deal with angry people'. Instead I thought about a $4,000 dentist bill that I had to put on a credit card only to end up with a toothache and advice to have a specialist do surgery on the tooth. I thought about the $500 I spent for a pair of glasses designed to self-destruct two days after the warranty ended. Another credit card purchase. I thought about the fact that no matter what something cost, and no matter who wants to take my money, I'm not supposed to be upset. I'm not supposed to complain.
When I put away my purchases, I sat down at the computer, ready to start the article. The phone rang. A woman from a firm that does anger management classes wanted to take ten or fifteen minutes of my time to do a survey. No, she didn't offer to pay me for my time, buy I was quite sure that the survey would somehow make them money. I said no, and before I could explain that I didn't watch television, she asked, "Do you know who we are?"
Asking her if she knew who I was would have been childish and petty. I almost did, but instead looked at the phone and set it down gently. My remarkable self-control kept me from slamming it on the anger management classes, that, and full credit cards that couldn't buy a new phone. I mentally cracked my knuckles and started to type. 'How to deal with angry people...' The next part of the sentence made me smile...'when one of them, is you.'
It wasn't an earth shattering revelation, but it brought a sense of relief. I don't have anger management classes over anyone but myself. Except for staying out of the way of someone angry enough to hurt me, my anger is the only one I can or need acknowledge. Deep breaths, focusing on things that matter and doing what makes me happy, help diffuse any anger that creeps in. My ultimate goal is to not have anger to diffuse. I mean, what does 'tsk' mean anyway?
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