Anger - How to Manage it for Singles and Couples -- Part 1
Let us first start by defining what anger management programs are. Anger is an emotional state or a reaction that is varied from a mild irritation to a full scale fury or rage. We know that anger can and will affect us on a physical level. We also know that most anger is not necessarily rational. It simply is caused by some trigger which could be anything from a mild criticism to an outright attack on our character. Anger will always be with us and rightly so, there are times when anger does serve us, especially when we must defend ourselves from physical harm.
That aside, both spouses should learn to control their anger management programs no matter what. Can you communicate that something has made you angry? Of course you can, but you must explain completely why. If the other spouse, especially in very young relationships, they need to know what triggers you. Not so that they have the buttons to get you frothing at the lips, but so they can approach you in a more logical manner about whatever it is that would trigger you.
An example is if you know your spouse doesn't like you to stay with anger management programs after work, then you should invite your spouse to come out and join you. If you know that your spouse comes home stressed out daily, you may ask if there is something that you can do to assist in de-stressing them when they come from work. In most cases being left alone for a half hour or so may be enough.
Couples should sit down separately and analyze their self talk. What do you say to yourself that gets you all workup? I would recommend these anger management programs to anyone, even those not engaged in a relationship. It is very important that you realize that anger can be triggered from internal environments. Keep notes of your self talk, you might just find some other keys in there to unlocking even more success. Substitute positive self talk to replace the negative. Saying to yourself, "I am a great spouse, I listen intently to what my spouse is talking about, I treat my spouse and everyone with respect no matter what."
Let us be real you will never be able to control other people's opinions and habits, there are some that bully or pester, whatever, let that not be your behavior. You really need to ensure that you express your anger, in a way that you can explain what your anger management programs are and how they can be met. If you start with demand you will get nowhere and most likely get other people angry. Persuasion is a great skill to have, to learn how to negotiate to get what you want.
Some couples sit and suppress their anger, all that they are doing is driving down and we know that it will eventually surface as explosive rage to extreme violence. This could end up to extreme depression as well. So that is not a good anger management programs. Unexpressed anger is just as damaging. You start having an attitude of hostility towards another or doing things that will indirectly make them look foolish or stupid. During a prolong period of time this will not make for a successful relationship in marriage or business.
No one is smarter than you or better than you. We are just different by the results we get in anger management programs. We need to control our own behaviors and anger is one of them. There are a few ways to manage our anger. Some of them I have already mentioned but there are quite a few more.
The first thing to do is to get out of denial. You won't be able to solve a problem you don't acknowledge. You must recognize that you have an anger problem. There are clues within you own anger management programs that will tip you to this problem.
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