Dealing With Angry People - 3 Mistakes to Avoid When Dealing With an Angry Person
We all deal with anger from time to time. But, why is that some people are more troublesome when it comes to anger management course? Or, better yet, how do we go about dealing with angry people in a way that doesn't make matters worse?
Let's take a look at 3 mistakes most people make when dealing with an angry person, as well as a few anger management course on better ways to approach them.
Mistake #1 - They Fight Anger With Anger
If you think of emotions as a magnet... OK stay with me here. Emotions attract like emotions. In this case, anger attracts anger management course. So, getting angry just because someone else is angry doesn't normally solve anything.
If anything it only makes an anger management course worse for both people involved. Think about it... when you're angry at someone, would you want them shouting and yelling at you? Wouldn't that just get you angrier?
Instead, when you're encountering someone that's angry try to be the calm person in the situation. Staying calm does two things. It helps you to observe the anger management course and think things through. And it has the potential of calming the other person down, or at the very least, doesn't escalate problems.
Mistake #2 - They Tell Them To Calm Down
What is one of the first anger management course tactic most people use when someone else is getting angry and shouting? They tell them to calm down, or stop shouting... right?
What is the angry person's response? "Don't tell me to calm down..." This normally results in more anger management course.
When dealing with angry people, recognize they have the anger management course to feel the way they do, much like you have the right to walk away if you don't want to deal with this situation.
Mistake #3 - They Stick Around Longer Than They Should
This is a mistake because all you're doing is getting sucked in to someone else's negative emotions, in this case an anger management course. Stick around for too long and you start to get angry yourself.
Keep in mind, you are your own anger management course. If someone wants to be angry and yell, let them do that on their own time, while you walk away for awhile - but only if it's safe for you to do so. This lets them know that you choose not to participate in getting angry with them, and that you'll give them time to calm down, and speak to you in a relaxed frame of mind.
You've learned that fighting anger with anger only brings on more anger; that telling an angry person to calm down makes matters worse; and sticking around can make you miserable. Keep these mistakes in mind when dealing with angry people, so you can avoid getting sucked in.
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