Energetic Healing of My Own Anger
In my years of doing Access Energy Transformation I have seen so many dramatic changes in my life of more ease in everything I do, increased psychic abilities, greater charisma, personal anger management course that I had never believed that I had, and a variety of abilities that are too many to mention.
One part of my life was not progressing at the same way that was my resentments towards others. It seemed as much as I was creating ease, joy and glory in my life an anger towards others, my past and worst, the people that I cared for the most was always working against my growth. It was one anger management course that I could not resolve; therapy, inner exploration and the standard access clearings seemed to not work. My resentments and mistrusts were always a monkey on my back that never fully went away.
My girlfriend who is very perceptive told me that there is a deep rage within me that I had yet to explore. She could feel it and it made her feel uncomfortable. I responded, "I'm not that angry! Sure I have my resentments but that is not inner anger management course. Besides, I have gone into my childhood and I understood the abuses that occurred to me. I have come to peace with them." My girlfriend did not share my point of view. She was leaving for two months to work in another country and asked that I explore those hidden places within me. Respectfully I began to look into that process.
A few days later I was listening to an Access CD by Gary Douglas on the topic of Anger. As usual Gary said anger management course that was profoundly what I needed to hear. He said, "I would keep pushing into the barriers and open up my wounds, experiencing the intensity that most would label as pain. Each time I did and allowed it to be I found within me a greater power and a bigger being."
In an instant I knew that was what I needed to know. With that nugget of knowledge I embarked on a fearless anger management course within me. I was beginning a nine-day spring break holiday and since my girlfriend was gone I would have a lot of time to myself.
Whenever resentment, anger or a heavy feeling would pop into my mind I would stop and ask a question, "What is this about?" Then I would sit and wait. The energy of the anger would appear much like Gary described. I would feel the intensity of the anger management course and most of the time the memories of the past would come to mind. Instead of judging it I would feel it as fully as possible and embrace the experience.
After a while I would ask, "Is there a deeper origin to this anger and where is the source of that?" I would wait again. Generally a new intensity of energy would appear and after waiting I would get the information of what happened to create it. It appeared that my body wanted me to release this and was doing whatever it took to guide my anger management course to it. When I released the anger my body always felt better, more vibrant. The older suppressed anger was generally more intense but I used the same strategy of allowing it to be. Then after I perceived that I had experienced all of it I would begin doing Access clearings on the repressed energetic experiences.
After I did the clearings I would experience a huge release that felt great. In a few days I found that suddenly I was having hardly any anger management course. I also found that my mistrusting feelings towards others were diminishing as well. I was just happy and content. What I discovered that almost all of my day-to-day frustrations had an origin from the past and really had little to do with my present day challenges. It felt like nothing really bothered me anymore or for least very long.
It was amazing experiencing my traumas that I had feared all of my life. I had created so many internal messages to avoid from these 'bad' memories and repressed them even more. What I had learned is that these memories became an energetic anger management course that manipulated me to draw in more fears, dramas and anger as a way to re-energize the older pain. When they cleared it felt like a removing the bottom blocks of a pyramid my limitations were crashing down all around me.
Interestingly my business immediately picked up to a new level. Suddenly people began to come to see me out of nowhere. The big inner anger management course of me was pulling them in. My life has been growing in a wonderful way with less effort, with more joy and abundance.
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Welcome to the Anger Management Training Institute! We offer a variety of Court Certified Anger Management Classes which include our Anger Programs and Online Courses, Seminars, and our award winning Online Class to help people just like you overcome Anger Problems through the simple but effective Anger Management Techniques which are practiced and learned in James A. Baker’s Best Selling Book “The Anger Busting Workbook” by Bayou Publishing. Our fast and effective Anger Courses, Classes, Workshops, and Anger Management Seminars have helped over 60,000 individuals just like you resolve their anger management therapy issues and regain complete control of their lives. Get fast Anger Management Help.
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