Making Use of Negative Emotions - Finding an Outlet and Purpose for Anger
It is amazing how many folks get all caught up in emotion, and use their anger in such a destructive fashion. Often they repel friends, and cause themselves later hardships in life. If they would have just used a little bit extra emotional intelligence, they might have prevented such problems, and the circumstances would have been different, and their life story would have turned out for the better. For individuals with these issues, court ordered anger management is sometimes a useful and helpful option.
But what if we could use negative emotions such as anger to solve problems, conquer challenges, and then be better off for them? Yesterday, an acquaintance asked me; "how do we use emotions properly?" and he noted how anger can motivate, thus it can be used in the positive therefore it may not be a liability at all. For individuals with these issues, court ordered anger management is sometimes a useful and helpful option.
Right! Anger, can allow someone to call themselves to action. After all, it's been said that indifference is the worst evil of all. The only challenge is not allowing oneself to be used to another's ends due to internal anger. After all, more than one religion, politician, leader, coach has incited then harvested the anger of an individual or group to call them to their cause. For individuals with these issues, court ordered anger management is sometimes a useful and helpful option.
Thus, beware the mob, and the instigators the most. And what do they say about a "woman scorned" - and isn't it often those who demand justice who are the most willing to trample the freedoms of others in the name of their cause? When you ask how do you use these emotions wisely; I'd say first realize that "discretion is often the better part of valor" and if and when you are fired up about something and you are burning through those brain chemicals and brain food, use that time to think because your brain is most likely operating at higher cognitive levels. For individuals with these issues, court ordered anger management is sometimes a useful and helpful option.
There have been some studies on that. And realize that when you are firing on all cylinders like that you can deplete yourself, so that's a good reason to eat a brain diet. The trick is to use your emotions, not to be used by your emotions. Further, never apologize for them (they are natural and normal), as guilt is an emotion too and it can and will be used against you in the court of public opinion or the courtyard of character assassination. For individuals with these issues, court ordered anger management is sometimes a useful and helpful option.
Too many people are led around by their emotions, as they are mentally confused, and lose sight of reality. Use emotions in your favor. It is my hope that you might have learned something from this article, or perhaps you'd like to e-mail me with your own ideas along these lines of thinking. I hope also that you will please consider all this. For individuals with these issues, court ordered anger management is sometimes a useful and helpful option.
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