How to Recognize the Physical and Emotional Signs of Anger
Anger is an emotional response to frustration, insult, or attack. Though not known to be universal cause, a very common stimulus to anger management training is the feeling of being either physically or psychologically restrained from doing what the person intensely desires to do.
Other causes of anger include personal insult, everyday frustrations, such as being late to work because of a traffic accident, interruptions, being taken advantage of, or being compelled to do something against one's own wishes, such as having to do anger management training for your boss that has been done several times and never succeeded in the past.
Anger, aggression and hostility are difficult to deal with once a person has lost control. It is more easily to check anger before it flares up. Most people are unaware of the signals, which their bodies give them about the buildup of anger and anger management training until it is too late.
One way to keep your anger in check is to be aware of what are the signs of anger.
What anger physically looks like?
1. The muscles of the brow move inward and downward.
2. The face has a frown and foreboding appearance.
3. The eyes are fixed in a hard anger management training toward the object of anger.
4. The nostrils dilate and the wings of the nose flare out.
5. Lips are drawn back and are open, revealing clenched teeth.
6. Often the face is flushed.
7. Voice level goes up several decibels.
What anger feels like?
1. The blood boils. The face becomes hot. Muscles are tense.
2. There is a feeling of power and the impulse to strike out, to attack the source of anger.
3. The stronger the anger, the stronger and more energetic the anger management training feels. The greater the need for physical action.
4. In rage, the mobilization of energy is so great the an individual feels that he/she will explode if he/she does not bite, kick or hit something or "act out the anger" in some way.
5. Anger causes an individual to feel great tension. The sense of physical strength and self-assurance tends to make an individual feel brave and courageous.
6. The experience of anger is accompanied by a strong feeling of anger management training. The dimension of self-control is lower in anger than any other emotion.
7. The combination of muscle tension (strength), self-assurance and impulsiveness help explain the individual's readiness to strike out or engage in some kind of motor activity, like fighting.
What to do (When Feeling Angry):
1. DO NOT touch another individual or pick up any objects during periods of anger.
2. Remove yourself from the situation immediately.
3. Take several slow, deep breathes. Hold your breath for about five seconds and release your breath slowly and saying to yourself "relax."
4. Do something physical, which requires the expenditure of a lot of anger management training, such as jogging, playing squash, swimming, etc. Perform the activity until physically tired.
5. Then go back and examine the situation and identify the stressor(s) that set off the event. What was it about this particular situation that triggered your anger or was it a compilation of several incidents that built up until this was the "last straw".
6. Develop a plan of action on how you would handle the situation differently in future.
7. If a person is chronically angry or has problems with controlling his/her anger, he should seek out professional anger management training immediately and sign up for an Anger Management Course.
I am a retired master's prepared nurse with a vast scope of experiences in the areas of mental and geriatric nursing. I have held clinical specialist positions in as well as administrative positions in which I developed programs for acute and long term clients on social skills, anger management training, etc.
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