Nationally Recognized
Nationally recognized by State & Local Family Courts & Probation Departments
No Hidden Fees
No Other Fees or Charges - NONE!
Free Certificate of Completion
Free Nationally Recognized Certificate of Completion
Award-Winning Course
Course written, edited and produced by a team with many years of experience helping angry people learn to live safer, saner lives.
Online Anger Management Classes
Almost every day it seems that TV and
newspapers (remember them?) feature domestic
and child abuse, actions that police would
label "crimes against persons," and even
killings, whether in this country or
overseas. Look behind the video images and
the headlines and you're likely to find
compounded stress and uncontrolled anger
lurking in the details.
Stress is so much a part of our lives that
we have given up on eliminating it, but that
doesn't mean we should forego managing it.
Actually since stress shows no signs of
going away, it's even more important that we
learn ways to cope with its effects,
including both emotional and physical health
problems. On top of that, it's a very short
step from compounded stress to uncontrolled
anger. Those who don't learn to manage
stress often end up needing to learn how to
rein in their anger. This is where
Online Anger Management
Classes come in.
Anger courses are being created, marketed
and taught by many different kinds of
organizations. Most of these
Online Anger Management
Classes educate people about the
causes of anger and ways to control it. The
person who is struggling with a short
temper, disconcerting outbursts,
psychological and emotional abuse, or even
physical threats and attacks needs anger
courses without a doubt. Ironically, it is
just such a person who frequently fails to
recognize the fact that he/she needs help in
managing anger. This so-called denial
mechanism gets in the way of facing facts
and of accepting the advice of family and
friends. Deep down, however, what's holding
them back is their ego. They will not, or
cannot, see themselves as someone whose
problem is serious enough to require who
needs outside help in anger management. In
this kind of situation, friends and family
need patience and persistence to keep trying
to get their message across.
For people who dig in their heels about
attending a traditional class, there is an
option that has two pluses in its favor. An
Online Anger Management
Classes offers the same good-quality
information as a traditional face-to-face
class, and the anonymity of being online. Of
course the instructor knows who the
participants are, but the participants don't
need to know the identities of each other.
This can be important when probing into what
kinds of things cause outbursts of anger.
The term for them is triggers. Different
people have different triggers, and in
Online Anger Management
Classes participants are taught
how to identify their own individual
triggers. They learn that either they must
learn come up with alternatives other than
anger outbursts in response to their
triggers. The online anger management
classes also teach participants to see anger
as a warning sign, not as something that
causes them over-react.
It's important to note that on anger
management classes do not each people to
suppress their feelings and emotions, but
teach techniques on how to channel them into
more positive and constructive outlets.
Open access to the self-scoring Online Anger Management Classes of your choice.
Immediate access to your certified court ordered anger management class certificate upon completion.
- Instant Access
- Proof of enrollment automatically emailed to you
- Instant Certificate of Completion on completion
- 8 hours of credit
- Instant Access
- Proof of enrollment automatically emailed to you
- Instant Certificate of Completion on completion
- 16 hours of credit
- Instant Access
- Proof of enrollment automatically emailed to you
- Instant Certificate of Completion on completion
- 24 hours of credit