Anger: Just Another Addiction

Anger: Just Another Addiction

by James A. Baker

Recently, I was speaking with one of the graduates from our Certified Anger Management Resolution Therapist training program. She is an addiction counselor working within the Texas Department of Criminal Justice system, and she reported to me that her supervisor asked her to prepare to significantly increase her allocation of hours for anger management training. Apparently, he had just returned from a meeting which put all attendees on notice that the demand for anger management training was accelerating rapidly, as judges are increasingly turning to mandated anger management training as a standard part of any probation or sentencing agreement.
Of course, this is not news to any of us who work with mandated anger training clients every day. But it does draw me back to some points I tried to make in the very first column I wrote for this space almost four years ago. As I review those words now, they are more true now than they were then, so I offer them back to you as a reminder of the challenge we all face as we try to find out what works - and what doesn't - when serving anger management clients. - JB

Anger Management Programs - Still Just Another Addicition

Even those of us who appear to have a healthy understanding of the dynamics of anger can still be caught off guard by unforeseen or apparently threatening circumstances, and be quickly sucked up into the anger tornado. It doesn't feel good when it is taking place and it can feel even worse when we subsequently have to face the music and make amends for things we said and did. Now, multiply those confusing, shameful feelings by a thousand times, and you have some insight into the painful world of a chronic rageaholic. More often than not, the first person to ask for help will be one who has been a target once too often of those angry outbursts. Less often, the angry perpetrator will come to seek help, though perhaps not until threatened with some kind of consequences by a spouse or a judge. It is at that point that the search for answers and insight begins. I am now convinced that this search produces about the same results as a good, old-fashioned snipe hunt.

Anger Management Programs - Still Just Another Addicition

We try talk therapy, insight therapy, inner child work - even “scream” therapy --and all manner of other cognitive or intuitive based interventions, in the attempt to unlock and understand the inner root causes that resonate destructively with any manner of otherwise unremarkable external triggers. The search progresses, week after week, month after month. Sometimes there are breakthroughs, only to be followed by breakdowns. For certain people, therapy may be comforting but not always productive. Something always seems to arise at just the wrong time to create a volatile situation and send everything back to square one, and no amount of talking or reading or listening to tapes or pharmacological interventions seems to make a decisive difference. We end up collecting a lot of data, but at the end of the day we still have a person who can't seem to avoid a head-on collision with anger even though he or she sees it coming (and who, by now, probably even has a pretty good grasp regarding why it is about to happen!).

Anger Management Programs - Still Just Another Addicition

I think it is time to fully embrace the idea that sometimes anger isn't a symptom of the problem; it IS the problem. Certainly, there may be a root cause buried in a remote, traumatic event or an abusive social history that laid the groundwork for the current destructive anger cycle. But in the same way that some people embrace drugs or alcohol or eating or sex to get a temporary reduction in their level of emotional pain, others simply wrap themselves in an impermeable cloak of anger that protects them and gives them a short-lived sense of power over all threats, real and imagined. Once this pernicious relationship with anger has been hardwired into the addictive mechanisms of the brain, getting an anger addict to talk about not getting angry anymore works about as well as getting an alcoholic to talk about not drinking anymore.

Anger Management Programs - Still Just Another Addicition

Stop to consider some of the predictable cyclic markers that chronic aggressive anger can share with other addictive behaviors:

  • Self stimulation -A rageaholic can't just “pop and stop.” Giving vent to angry feelings often creates an anger cascade that escalates into an anger binge.
  • Compulsion - Somewhere in the back of the mind, the anger addict knows he or she ought to stop, but the drive to keep raging overwhelms everything else.
  • Obsession - Even when rageaholics appear calm and composed, they may harbor resentments that replay and constantly reinforce feelings of victimization that can only be suppressed for so long.
  • Denial - Same old song and dance: “My anger isn't the problem, the person who offended me is the real problem.”
  • Withdrawal and craving -Raging is an absolute rush, both chemically and emotionally. Anger addicts “need” rage on so many levels to maintain the illusion of control in their lives. Even when they promise themselves and others that they will never do it again, it is only a matter of time before they find the pressure building toward another blow-up.
  • Unpredictable behavior - A rageaholic may think he or she can express anger up to a point and settle things sanely, and maybe they will, once or twice. But, just like one drink is rarely only one drink, there is generally no such thing as a little anger for an anger addict.
  • Guilt and shame - After the rage wears off and all that is left is traumatized family members, bruises and broken dishes, the anger addict experiences painful remorse and shame, and will sometimes go to extremes to make amends. Of course, this includes promises to change; promises that are impossible to keep.

So what is the answer? I tell our anger management clients to forget about the root cause and focus on changing the behavior. Just like an alcoholic has to stop drinking as a first step toward maintaining sobriety, a rageaholic must STOP all angry behaviors as a first step toward achieving a saner, more rational life. An approach such as that detailed in my book, The Anger Busting Workbook, provides an excellent platform for helping anger addicts recognize and cease those behaviors that are unwittingly fueling the next anger eruption. Once addicts have tools and rules for stopping the behavior, any number of standard recovery models can help reinforce healthier and more satisfying patterns for expressing anger and rebuilding their lives.

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Welcome to the Anger Management Training Institute! We offer a variety of Court Certified Anger Management Classes which include our Anger Programs and Online Courses, Seminars, and our award winning Online Class to help people just like you overcome Anger Problems through the simple but effective Anger Management Techniques which are practiced and learned in James A. Baker’s Best Selling Book “The Anger Busting Workbook” by Bayou Publishing. Our fast and effective Anger Courses, Classes, Workshops, and Anger Management Seminars have helped over 60,000 individuals just like you resolve their anger management therapy issues and regain complete control of their lives. Get fast Anger Management Help.

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