How to Control Your Anger by Asking These 5 Questions

How to Control Your Anger by Asking These 5 Questions

How to control your anger with 5 questions? The paper gets jammed in the printer, yet again. You wake up and stub your toe on the bed post. You get a big scuff on the new pair of shoes that you're wearing for the very first time.

These situations are good examples to learn how to control your anger by asking these 5 questions:

1. Are you taking time for reflection before you get angry, or are you jumping the gun and letting your anger get out of control? If this sounds like you, then you should walk away from the situation. This is a good way to get some time to take a deep breath before emotions escalate.

2. What is making you mad? Is it directly aimed at you, or was it something that you've grabbed onto and decided to get mad over? Think about it... do you really want to get mad over everything, when there are other important things in your life?
3. Are you are holding onto past events, and letting your frustrations out on things that are not even related? If so, you could be setting yourself up for bigger problems. Learn to let go of things and move on.

If someone made you angry or is directing their anger towards you, learn how to control your reaction by asking yourself the following questions:

4. Is there more to this story that I don't know about? Maybe the person provoking you is acting on misinformation. Or, maybe it really doesn't have anything to do with you.

5. That brings up another question to ask yourself. If you're not the target of their comments or their actions, then why are you getting angry over it?

Or maybe you are the focus of someone's comments or actions. When you start to get angry, ask yourself this: Did you do something to provoke them? Why are you "letting" someone else push your buttons in the first place?

Keep in mind, there are always two sides to every story. Since you are naturally biased to see things from your own point of view, you should listen and think about things before they get out of hand.

As you can see these are all valid questions that you should be asking yourself when you know that you are starting to get angry. The first step to learning how to control your anger successfully is recognizing the things that trigger you to get mad, before it's too late.

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