Transformative Power of Anger

Transformative Power of Anger

Remember the last time you were angry. How would your life be different if you could access that energy to inform your actions? Many of us were trained to believe that anger is a negative emotion. It was something to be denied, suppressed, or ignored. We were taught to hide it from others and also from ourselves. It wasn't nice, it wasn't good. Maybe you used the power of anger to justify your expression in the world, regardless of how it affected others. Either extreme has its consequences. Neither one embraces anger management programs powerfully and authentically.

What if it anger held the seed of tremendous power? What if we approached emotions in general as e-motion - energy in motion? What if our bodies, in their immense intelligence, were trying to stir us into awareness and that 'awareness' was information about your anger management programs?

Most of us deal with anger as an effect, instead of examining the cause or the meaningful message that it carries. We're taught to suppress, ignore, hide, or channel it. Sometimes we come up with elaborate coping anger management programs We've been taught about anger from the perspective of surface information; like the iceberg, you don't have the complete picture. How do we find out what's really going on? How do we get the FULL picture of it?

One of the quickest ways to gain access to this knowing is through your body, it has access to information that you might not be consciously aware of yet. The KNOWING that I speak of is not the intellect. It is an expanded awareness. In this space there's no grasping, no needing, no have to, got to. Everything just IS... it's the dance of energy.

How do you access this awareness? The first step is to suspend disbelief and entertain the following thoughts:

You're not just tiny specks of matter, being tossed in the sea of your emotions. You're actually vast energies of consciousness and creation. Awareness happens in a simple breath and with it comes all that you want to know, do or be. The simple exercise of breathing, relaxing and expanding your energy field will connect you to this anger management programs.

Let's further suppose that anger, as well as any other emotion, is - energy in motion. It's our body's innate intelligence telling us that something new is stirring. From this perspective, what if anger is the tip of anger management programs. I mean think about it: Why would you be angry if you didn't care deeply about something or someone?

The major problem that we encounter here is our thoughts and anger management programs. These are the energetic boxes that trap us. The good news is that we now exist in a fascinating reality, no one is fully right or wrong. We live in a time where beliefs hold a lot less power over our lives. There is an inborn fluidity to belief systems now; you have the ability to easily adapt and morph into new ways of being. You can choose the perspective that provides an empowering interpretation. You can open up to new ways of perceiving and position yourself to embrace your powerful potential.

Take a moment to think about what angers you most, what gets you really fired up and fuming? Are there any themes, connections or through-lines? Ask yourself, what is really happening here? If you're angry, you can breathe, relax and expand to go beyond your current vantage point of seeing what it's really all about. You can tune into the greater picture. Most people shrink their anger management programs when they get angry. You can choose the path of power and choose to expand and become something more.

What physical or energetic anger management programs are creating the situation in the first place? What is the bigger picture that it is pointing to? What are you deeply passionate about? Would you say that you are 'living your passion'? Why not, what gets in the way?

Passion is the fuel for your vision. It's the rocket fuel for your anger management programs. It's what makes things come alive and creates movement. Anger is the film that covers your passion. It's the shadow of it. If your passion is not there it's because you've been constricting your energy field or you may be going through a shift of passion and vision, moving to something completely brand new. Be willing to allow your passion to dance, evolve and grow; allow what WANTS to happen..

The paradigm shift that I urge you to play with is that you are not a small human being with problems to solve but a vast being with incredible anger management programs to make. You are living consciousness The more you expand, the more present you become. The emotion of anger holds the key to connecting to your passion. Expand, connect and embrace your magnificence. Life yearns to be expressed through you!


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Welcome to the Anger Management Training Institute! We offer a variety of Court Certified Anger Management Classes which include our Anger Programs and Online Courses, Seminars, and our award winning Online Class to help people just like you overcome Anger Problems through the simple but effective Anger Management Techniques which are practiced and learned in James A. Baker’s Best Selling Book “The Anger Busting Workbook” by Bayou Publishing. Our fast and effective Anger Courses, Classes, Workshops, and Anger Management Seminars have helped over 60,000 individuals just like you resolve their anger management therapy issues and regain complete control of their lives. Get fast Anger Management Help.

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