Why Anger Can Be Dangerous to Your Health

Why Anger Can Be Dangerous to Your Health

Of the many things that affect your daily routine, your attitude towards yourself and your environment is what most shapes how your day goes. If you are angry, you cause a bunch of side effects affect that not only yourself, but can also affect the world around you as well. If you are to become well-adjusted and happy, it is important to understand why anger can be dangerous to your health and why anger management programs can make a positive difference.

First, anger of itself is a negative emotion, and like any other emotion can be transferred to those around you. Almost like a virus, anger can be passed from person to person by direct or indirect contact. Just being around an angry person can make your day a little bit less enjoyable. If you become invested in their anger, you transfer some of it to yourself, and before long, you are able to do the same to someone else. In a small group in anger management programs, it is possible for a single angry person to have the entire group also angry within even a few hours, just through association. Note that negative emotions are easier to transfer to others, compared to positive emotions like happiness. Left unchecked anger can often lead to violence.

Second, anger can and most often does directly affect the function of the body. It is not unusual to find that the blood pressure of an angry individual is elevated relative to their normal blood pressure. If you've ever seen someone so angry they were red in the face, you know they are also experiencing higher blood pressure, even without needing to measure it. The physical effects of anger can lead to excruciating headaches and even malfunction of bodily processes. A person that is habitually angry tends to have a greater number of ailments than someone with a more positive outlook, therefore, the need for anger management programs. Long term studies of larger groups of people have shown that angry people tend to live shorter lives. Their anger also affects their relationships and can even cause difficulties for the whole family.

Third, people that carry their anger or seem to be angry all of the time are less observant of their environment. This can result in higher accident rates, which can easily affect totally unrelated people. Overall, an angry person is less productive than one that is happy, and trying to "cure" anger can be a difficult task for an outsider. If you are someone that is easily angered, you should probably enroll in anger management programs in order to work on reducing your anger.

The best method for reducing anger is to take advantage of anger management programs and look at each problem a little bit differently. Instead of making the most negative assumption about any action in your life and flying off the handle with anger, try to look at the problem with some detachment. If possible, ask yourself if the problem came about because of your own action or someone else's, and think about possible ways to avoid the problem in the future. Once you start to see that there are things you can change to make your environment more positive, you may notice you get angry less often, or your anger is less severe. With time and effort you may be able to eliminate your periods of anger.

If you are living in a family with an angry person, try to find out why they are angry. Often the real reason has little or no concurrence with the apparent reason they became angry or exhibited anger. Very often, the anger has built over time and any little thing will cause a blowup. Trying to find the root cause without the cooperation of the angry person committing him/herself to anger management programs can be very difficult, but once you do find out, you can help correct the behavior.

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