Emotional Anger: Forgiveness and Mercy

Emotional Anger: Forgiveness and Mercy

Emotional anger, pain, suffering, the inability to forget, great loss...

From recent events like the oil spill in the gulf, terrorism ever present in our world, and natural disasters occurring more and more with each passing day, it's clear to see there is more than enough hurting going on in our world right now to fill an world-wide anger management class a countless number of times.

The world around us seems to be in a constant state of chaos, and often, when you search within yourself, you may find that you have let the chaos seep inside. You find yourself stressed, anxious, and in a constant state of fear for the future and a deep need for an anger management class. You may realize that not only are you living in a world that is seemingly falling apart at the seams, but your inside seams seem to be doing the same.

If you feel as though you are unraveling, the true culprit may not be the circumstances that surround you but the way you are internalizing them. What if I told you that the events in our world aren't nearly as fatal as one thing that many people fail to do every day, in addition to postpone a needed anger management class?

What if I told you that one, simple, solitary act of un-forgiveness could not only change your life, but it could shorten it? Science has actually proven that harboring vindictive feelings, hate, rage, or anger can lead to a bevy of physical problems and actually shorten the course of a life, a key element in a basic anger management class. Un-forgiveness is like a potent poison - and NOT to the people you refuse to forgive. To choose to keep un-forgiveness to yourself is like drinking a vial of venom.

In all actuality, your mind, body and soul are very much connected. Your health depends on the flowing energy within and around you, because you are made of energy and connected with others and the whole universe through it. In a series of both give and take, you are in a constant exchange of energy - the release and receive of energy coursing from you and through you. If you harbor resentment, un-forgiveness, or other destructive feelings, you are holding onto your own poisonous energy. You must learn to release negativity. It's a continuing and a necessary cycle that is vital to your well being not only emotionally, but physically. A good first step is a reputable anger management class.

But this doesn't just apply to choosing to not forgive a friend or a loved one. Sometimes, the most difficult thing to do is to forgive yourself. What have you done that has left you feeling guilty? What is it that you are keeping inside? You've been holding on to it too long. Release the hold the past has on you. Remember that people change, whether it is yourself or someone else, like your spouse, your neighbor, or friend. Everyone is constantly evolving, learning, changing, and growing. A fortuitous first step towards forgiving yourself is participating in an anger management class.

Is there someone you have not forgiven today? Is there someone you have been withholding mercy from? Everyone deserves not just a second chance, but another chance. Choose to forgive. Choose to say "It's ok. I'll be your friend." Remember, that when all else fails, everyone needs a little forgiveness now and then, especially yourself.

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