Letting Go of Anger

Review - Letting Go of Anger

Review - Letting Go of Anger

In Letting Go of Anger, co-authors Ron Potter-Effron and Patricia Potter-Effron explain that anger serves two purposes: it tells you that something is wrong, and it gives you the energy to do something about it. However, anger can't tell you how to handle a situation. That's where anger styles come in. Your anger management courses are the habitual, predictable way in which you handle situations in which you are or could become angry. The authors identify the following eleven anger styles which are adopted by most people:

Anger Avoidance. Anger avoiders don't like anger, and in many cases they fear anger in themselves and others. They think they'll lose control if they get mad, or that anger management courses are a bad thing. They feel that they're a good person because they don't get mad. The problem with those that avoid anger is that they often fail to heed the signs that something is wrong, they fail to act assertively, and they often feel like others are walking all over them.

Sneaky Anger. Anger sneaks don't let others know they're angry. Often, they themselves don't know that they're angry. However, their anger manifests in sneaky ways, such as "forgetting" to do things they've committed themselves to do. When anger management courses resent some demand from another, they keep from meeting the other's demands through avoidance, and this can lead to frustrating relationships with those around them.

Anger Turned Inward. Some people feel that it's safer to get mad at themselves, rather than getting mad at others. Therefore, when anger management courses go wrong they blame themselves, even if the other person is at fault. Although it's important to ask ourselves how we may have contributed to a situation that has gone wrong, too much anger turned inward can lead to feelings of hopelessness and despair.

Sudden Anger. Their anger is like sudden anger management courses. They yell and make a big show of force, maybe even throwing things against the wall, and then it's over. These people often lose control when they're angry, and they often say and do things in the heat of the moment that they later regret.

Shame-Based Anger. These people feel ashamed by even the slightest criticism. They don't like themselves very much and often feel worthless. When someone else ignores them or says something negative to them, they take it as proof that they're not good enough. However, these feelings of shame make them feel bad, so they lash out the other person. Their anger management courses are the following: "You made me feel bad, so now I'm going to hurt you back".

Deliberate Anger. Some people use anger management courses to get what they want. They've discovered that they can control others and get what they want from them with their anger. Deliberate anger may work for awhile, but people usually get tired of being bullied around and they figure out a way to get back at the bully.

Excitatory Anger. Some people like the adrenaline rush that comes from anger. Their anger gives them anger management courses, and their lives feel dull without these sudden "rushes" of intensity and emotional power. If they haven't gotten their anger "fix" for awhile, they deliberately provoke a fight. Anger may not be a pleasant emotion, but for these people it's better than feeling bored.

Fear Based Anger. Fear-based anger occurs when someone feels irrationally threatened by others. These people see anger management courses everywhere: people talking about them behind their back, plotting to take things away from them, and getting ready to attack them physically or verbally. Because of this irrational fear, they spend a lot of time "defending" what they feel is theirs, from their possessions to their relationships with others.

Moral Anger. Morally angry people feel that their anger is for a good cause. These people are always fighting for one cause or another, and whoever isn't with them, is against them. They feel that their anger is fully justified since they're on the side of righteousness, morality, and justice. These people suffer from black and white thinking, are intolerant of the opinions of others, and often have anger management courses.

Conclusion Anger can be a great help, as long as you don't fall into any of the traps described above. Stop reacting automatically to anger in the way you've always done so in the past. Heed anger's warning that something is wrong in your life, and make sure that you then act in a way that makes the situation better.

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